Construction Surveying

Survey Control
The importance of establishing an accurate and robust primary control network cannot be underestimated as it provides the critical positioning reference for all future construction works and monitoring.
Plowman Craven is able to design, establish and maintain a primary control network that suits the needs of the development, providing coordination to OS survey datum, London Underground or site datum, and ensuring a guarantee of conformity throughout the project.
We utilise high-accuracy instruments and rigorous QA procedures to develop a logical survey network, providing reliable coordinated control reports and ACAD outputs. In order maintain and confirm the accuracy of the primary control, we offer periodic checks of the control network.
Secondary Control Gridlines & Datums
Primary survey control needs to be transferred on to site having the survey control established within the building allows contractors to set out the positions of the internal structures locally to a known and agreed coordinate system.
We provide:
- Secondary control points within the site area
- For piling, foundation and general positioning
- Transfer Height datums and gridlines to each floor
- For the contractors to use as a base reference for the positioning of internal structure
As-Built Verifications & Setting Out
During the construction process the actual position of key structural elements will need confirming against the architect’s original design. This includes pile locations, capping beams, structural support beams, and columns which must be accurately positioned to maintain the structural integrity of the building.
We confirm, through overlays, the comparison of the as-built surveys and the design information and report on variances against tolerance as construction progresses.
> Related: Structural Monitoring of all demolition and construction movements

A Complete Monitoring Package
Plowman Craven's structural & environmental Monitoring services - plus a range of construction surveying services - are integrated with our broader surveying and measurement offerings.
How Can We Help?
Let’s discuss your requirements and see how our expertise can help on your next project.
Plowman Craven has 60 years’ experience providing integrated measurement and consultancy services to the property and infrastructure markets.