Case Study - Marble Arch Place

What's the Story
Marble Arch Place is a landmark mixed-use development comprising super-prime residential dwellings, office accommodation, retail units, a five-auditorium cinema and an area of public realm arranged over an 18-storey residential tower, a seven-storey commercial building and five levels of lower ground floor. Site works began in 2016 with the demolition of the existing buildings. The project is due to complete in 2020.
The development is situated in a busy location in central London, with more than 45,000 people using Marble Arch Tube Station every day. It is located close to a number of sensitive receptors, including residential and commercial properties.
To minimise the impact of any nuisance associated with the demolition and construction, Multiplex implemented a number of environmental control measures, one of which was environmental monitoring, provided by Plowman Craven's specialist Environmental Planning division.
What did we do?
To implement the noise, vibration and air quality management strategy multiple pieces of highly-sensitive monitoring equipment were strategically placed around site in co-operation with the contractor and Westminster City Council. The monitoring system comprised four noise monitors, three seismographs (vibration monitors) and two air quality monitors.
A baseline assessment was completed and measurements continued throughout demolition and construction to obtain a representative measurement of these variables caused by on-site activities.
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Environmental Planning Services brochure
Take a look at our Environmental Planning Services brochure to see how our consultative and expert approach can help to minimise risk and create programme efficiencies on projects.
Real-time monitoring
On-site monitoring equipment provides live, web-accessible data enabling levels and any exceedances to be viewed online at the convenience of project stakeholders. Systems are also configured to notify site managers immediately - via SMS text messages - when agreed trigger levels are exceeded on site, enabling mitigative action to be taken.
Monthly reports are produced for the client and a Plowman Craven environment expert attends monthly meetings with the Environmental Heath Office (EHO) from the Local Authority.

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Let’s discuss your requirements and see how our expertise will deliver trusted results throughout the project lifecycle.
Plowman Craven has more than 50 years’ experience, we provide integrated measurement and consultancy services.